FOIA Officer
Robert Kosic
- Phone:217-253-5471
- Fax:217-253-4541
- Email:[email protected]
Douglas County State’s AttorneyFreedom of Information Officer
Courthouse – Room 105
401 S. Center
Tuscola, IL 61953
- 3JS Transmission 639.21.pdf
- Abbcon 1055.00.pdf
- Absopure 10.00.pdf
- Absopure 4.00.pdf
- Absopure 5.00.pdf
- Arthur Publishing 108.00.pdf
- Arthur Publishing 45.00.pdf
- Bee Graphics 45.00.pdf
- Bundy 126.91.pdf
- Byers 679.33.pdf
- Byers Printing 679.93 reissue check.pdf
- CDS 90.64.pdf
- Charlie McGrew Petty Cash 4.00.pdf
- Charlie McGrew Petty Cash 90.00.pdf
- City of Villa Grove Hubley bill Veterans 290.95.pdf
- Communications Revolving 439.15.pdf
- Cott 325.00.pdf
- CourtyardMarriott 471.88.pdf
- Crist 52.00.pdf
- Crist 57.00.pdf
- Detection Security 116.75.pdf
- Dollar General 38.50.pdf
- Douglas County Mental Health 350.00.pdf
- East Central Illinois Mobile Law 3500.00.pdf
- ECIEDD 3000.00.pdf
- Faulkners Bindery 750.00.pdf
- First Mid 38.00.pdf
- First Mid Illinois 36.29.pdf
- HA Friend 161.41.pdf
- Hastings Printing 672.00.pdf
- Hinckley 40.46.pdf
- Hinckley 460.00.pdf
- Hugh Finson 1294.70.pdf
- IACCR 100.00.pdf
- IACCR 2012-13 Dues 220.00 ingram.pdf
- ICRMT 2500.00.pdf
- Illinois Office Supply 53.00.pdf
- Illinois Specialty Court Conference 150.00.pdf
- IllinoisOffice Supply 1951.75.pdf
- Interstate All Battery 52.84.pdf
- Interstate Brands 396.57.pdf
- IPMG 26879.48 September premium.pdf
- Kathys Sewing 50.00.pdf
- King Lar 170.00.pdf
- Kinney Electric 73.03.pdf
- Kone 343.64.pdf
- Lawrence Jeckel 910.00.pdf
- Lisa Zepeda Warren 750.00.pdf
- Mail Finance 153.00.pdf
- Mattex 854.99.pdf
- Mediacom 69.95.pdf
- Midwest mailing 154.87.pdf
- Monicals 37.54.pdf
- Mooney Ford 3324.67.pdf
- Moultrie County 7662.44.pdf
- Moultrie County Clerk & Recorder 7662.44.pdf
- Murdock Postmaster 160.00.pdf
- Nellie Gilpin 30.00.pdf
- Netcare 180.00.pdf
- Netcare 460.00.pdf
- Pointer Communications 4540.00.pdf
- Richard Broch 2574.00.pdf
- Richard Kidwell Veterans 300.00.pdf
- Simplified Computers 808.00.pdf
- Supervisor of Assess Petty Cash 104.94.pdf
- Thomson Reuters 310.38.pdf
- Thomson Reuters 320.50.pdf
- Thomson Reuters 465.92.pdf
- Tim Mooney 87.11.pdf
- Vanguard 1000.00.pdf
- Vanguard Appraisal 7900.00.pdf
- Vermilion County Detention 935.00.pdf
- Visa July charges 1497.56.pdf
- Waldemer Perez 26.00.pdf
- Waldemer Perez 41.00.pdf
- Waldmemer Perez Lopez 26.00.pdf
- Wave Graphics 121.20.pdf
- Wave Graphics 925.00.pdf
- West 465.92.pdf
- West 465.92.pdf
Under the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/4) we are required to post certain information to our website. Although some of this information can be found throughout our site we will do our best to keep the required information centrally located on this page.
If a member of the public would like to make a request for documents pursuant to the FOIA, such requests must be in writing and addressed to the FOIA Officer.
(5 ILCS/140/3) All written requests will be responded to within five (5) working days, following the date the request is received, except in the instance when the request is for commercial purposes (within 21 working days). The five (5) day count begins the day after receipt of the request. The requestor will be notified of a five (5) day extension (working days) if the files are at different locations, voluminous, or if other reasons make it impossible to assemble and mail the request out within the expected five day period.
Any fees allowable under the act may be imposed.
Fees are limited. For black and white, letter or legal sized copies (8 ½ x 11 or 11 x 14), the first 50 pages are free, and any additional pages are 15 cents a page. For color copies or abnormal size copies, the public body can charge the actual cost of copying. A public body can charge for electronic copies but only the actual cost of the recording medium.
For questions about the act, go to: